Page updated 6/29/03
- Seal Beach 7/02
- Hampton Beach, NH 6/02
- Port Aransas Sandfest 4/02
- World Championship Doubles 9/01
- Crane Beach, 8/01
- Quebec team 8/01
- Cervia, Italy 7/01
- Hampton Beach, NH 6/01
- C-Sculptures, Corpus Christi 6/01
- Port Aransas Sandfest 3/01
- Pizza Expo in Las Vegas 3/01
- Luliang, China 3/01
- World Championship 9/00 team and solo
- Quebec 8/00 team and solo
- Cannon Beach 6/00
- Jesolo, Italy 6/00
- Port Aransas Sandfest 4/00
- Pizza Expo Sandtenniel in Las Vegas 3/00
- Ft. Myers Beach 11/99
- SPI SandCastle Days '99
- World Championship '99
- Rehobeth Beach Contest '99
- Sand Jam, 7/31/99
- Jesolo, Italy 6/99
- Pics from Atlantic City Beachfest 6/99
- Treasure Island, FL '99
- Fort Myers Beach 98 slideshow
- SPI Sandcastle Days '98
- 1998 World Championship
- Jesolo, Italy's International competition '98
- World Championship Homepage
- South Padre Island 1997
- Neptunefest 1997
- East Hampton 1997
- Parksville 1997
- Rehoboth Beach 1996 & 1997
- Galveston 1997
- South Padre Island Sandcastle Days 1996
- World Championship 1996
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Sand Sculpture Contest Photo/Links
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