updated 8/28/99
Well, the contest may be over but the amazing sculptures created by the world's finest still stand -- both in these pages as well as in all their 3D glory at Harrison. You can see the sculptures in Sandsculpture Park through Oct. 12 --- so if you are in the neighborhood be sure and stop by.
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The SoB Sandcastle Wizards were represented in this contest by sandy feet and Amazin' Walter - competing against each other in the solo category. The last time they did this Amazin' walked away with third place while feet scored the (much coveted!) "best handstacked" award.
But this year the SoBs did double duty - in addition to competing, we tried to post up-to-the-minute photos and reports of the contest as it progressed. We performed this amazin' feet using sandy feet's laptop and digital camera -- with a little help from Amazin's "main squeeze" - Laurie Gaudi. (Thanks, Laurie!) We will also be attemped something that - to the best of our knowledge - has never been tried before: open the peoples' choice voting to the connected world! Things never go as smoothly as you hope, of course, and this project was no exception... |
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