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by sandy feet

When I first hopped on the internet back in 1995, the first thing I searched for was - of course! - "sandcastles." The results that came up back then had nothing to do with making castles out of sand.... but there are sure a lot of beach resorts with that name.

Well, since then a lot of good information and photos of fabulous sand sculpture have appeared on the web. The links indexed from here are the ones I find to be most interesting and useful.

Sand Sculpture Articles

Sand Sculpture Links I post them when I find them... or they find me
Sand Sculptor Links
Sandy Feet's Photo Gallery People send me lots of photos of the sculptures they have created from sand. If you just want to look at lots of (disorganized) photos of pretty sand sculpture, this is the place to go
FREE Sand Sculptor Referral Service I know them - what they can do and how they can be reached. Send me a brief description of the project you have in mind and where it is to be created. If I am not the best person for the job (and I am far better acquainted with my own limitations than anyone else) I will cheerfully provide you with up to three suitable alternatives which you will be free to pursue or ignore.

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